Our young people’s show, Bilya Kaatijin, was performed at Lockridge Primary School on Thursday 17 September.
Inspired by the show, the school’s kindergarten students created some incredible artwork.
Thank you so much for the amazing performance of Bilya Kaatijin at Lockridge Primary yesterday. My Kindy students loved the production and created some amazing paintings and retold the story that afternoon. They are all now very invested in picking up all the rubbish and making sure the kep in our local bilya and binjar stays walang.
— Justine Moorman (Teacher, Lockridge Primary School)
Browse through the artwork via the gallery below.
Bilya Kaatijin (which means “Fresh Water Knowledge” in Noongar) is the fourth and final story in Yirra Yaakin’s Kaatijin series for young people.
Connecting stories from Noongar land (south-west Western Australia) to Wonguktha land (the northern Goldfields), Aotearoa (New Zealand) and the Kikuyu people of Kenya, Bilya Kaatijin teaches us about the importance of water to First Nations people around the world.
More informationFor all education enquiries, including discussing the possibility of bringing Bilya Kaatijin to your school in 2021, please contact our Education Officer at or on +61 (8) 9380 3049.
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Yirra Yaakin Theatre Company