Expressions of Interest to take part in the 2023 Yirra Yaakin Playwriting Festival are open now.
Yirra Yaakin Theatre Company is proud to announce the first ever Yirra Yaakin Playwriting Festival, engaging First Nations playwrights to develop their stories from page to stage.
Yirra Yaakin Theatre Company has opened Expressions of Interest (EOIs) for emerging and established First Nations playwrights and storytellers from Western Australia, South Australia and the Northern Territory.
Yirra Yaakin Playwriting Festival will engage with 6 First Nations playwrights to develop their individual scripts with a First Nations Dramaturg and Director. Developed scripts will then be presented at the end of the Festival, in a ticketed and live-streamed public reading that will coincide with NAIDOC Week in 2023.
Please submit your EOI by Monday, 12 December 2022.
EOIs should include:
- an excerpt/example of your script or idea (maximum of 10 pages); and,
- a one-page letter that tells us:
- who you are;
- where you are from;
- why your idea is important now; and,
- confirmation that you have either the cultural ownership or the authority to tell this story.
If selected to participate in Yirra Yaakin Playwrights Festival, writers will need to be available to undergo a full two-week paid residency in Perth from Monday 19 June, 2023 to Monday 3 July, 2023.
Full details
Dates: Mon 19 Jun – Mon 3 Jul 2023
Script Reading Performances: Thu 6, Fri 7 & Sat 8 Jul 2023
Venue: Subiaco Arts Centre
More information
For more information, please email or phone Jen Edwards, Senior Producer, on 0428 718 378.
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Yirra Yaakin Theatre Company