Which Way? Poetry Performance Webinar

Tune in this Saturday (29 October 2022) to watch and listen to some beautiful and thought-provoking work by First Nations poets. Join us online for free from wherever you are!

Time: 2pm – 3.30pm (AWST)

Registration link (register for the event and get reminded. Note: registration is optional): https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_erMd14UcSdygnWpQElugsg

Event link (use this to access the webinar at the time of the event): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81380980725?pwd=RGo5ZnRFWWh2U0lva3lsK2JNSU5CZz09


About the Workshops

This year, 5 First Nations poets have honed their skill through our Which Way? Poetry Workshops, facilitated by renowned poet and activist, Dr. Charmaine Papertalk Green.

The theme of the workshops, “Which Way?”, invites poets to contemplate the questions which way do we write, and which way do we speak?



Jack Collard
Bruce Denny
Barbara Hostelak
Eva Grace Mullaley
Estella Starcevich




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