Where Subiaco Arts Centre
When 26 May – 4 June 2016 (View Performance Times)
Prices $25.00 – $32.50
Directed by Kyle J Morrison
Featuring Ian Wilkes, Emmanuel J Brown, Peter Docker
Where Subiaco Arts Centre
When 26 May – 4 June 2016 (View Performance Times)
Prices $25.00 – $32.50
Directed by Kyle J Morrison
Featuring Ian Wilkes, Emmanuel J Brown, Peter Docker
Director: Kyle J Morrison
Concept/ Associate Producer: Steve Hawke (Bunuba Cultural Enterprises)
Developed and Performed by: Ian Wilkes, Emmanuel J Brown, Peter Docker
Scripted by: Peter Docker

So Long Suckers is a first time cross-cultural, cross art form collaboration between Yirra Yaakin & Bunuba Cultural Enterprises (Jandamarra) from Broome. Inspired by real-life stories this provocative and powerful new work explores the destructive effects on alcoholism on Indigenous & Non-Indigenous communities. This is a first time collaboration between some of WA’s most exciting creative talents exploring the Aboriginal voice and space including Kyle J Morrison and Dalisa Pigram (Marrugeku). Incorporating original live music, movement, and storytelling So Long Suckers will premiere in Perth, tour in WA & then nationally.
When we meet the Three Wise Men, they are drunk, lost, handcuffed, bewildered and don’t even know each other. They fight over grog. They try to remember who they are – but each time they remember it is a grog-police-jail memory. They are prisoners haunted by memories of freedom fighters – Yagan, Ned Kelly & Jandamarra (who all lost their heads and their heads were lost). They each chase down their identities and their purpose, all the while sorting through their memories of oppression and of fighting back. As they go through this process they become closer to themselves, to this reality. What is their wisdom? Will they get to the birth? Will their gifts be appropriate?
A major health issue for both black and white, young and old across our country, this work reflects Yirra Yaakin’s commitment to explore difficult and provocative issues that affect our communities and the wider culture through the medium of contemporary theatre.
Education Kits
Education Kits are provided free of charge with any booking of this play. They are also available for individual purchase at $30.00 + GST (plus postage).
If you are interested in purchasing an Education Kit, please complete an Order Form and return it to our Education Manager.
Download Order FormE: education@yirrayaakin.com.au | T: 9380 3049
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Yirra Yaakin Theatre Company